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Treating Dry Eye Syndrome

Treating Dry Eye Syndrome What is Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is condition wear your eyes are not getting enough moisture, usually a result  of not enough tears, or inadequate tears being produced. Dry Eye Syndrome can cause  your eyes to feel uncomfortable, including a stinging or burning sensation. Dry Eye Syndrome may be more noticeable in specific situations, such as when in air-conditioning, working on a computer, or on an airplane. There are various treatment options for Dry Eye Syndrome, which can include lifestyle changes, eye drops and occasionally surgery. Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome There are various signs and symptoms to indicate you may be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome.  Symptoms include: a stinging, burning or scratchy sensation; eye fatigue; mucus in or around your eyes; excessive tearing; sensitivity to light; eye redness; difficulty with contact lenses; and even blurred vision. Diagnosis of Dry Eye Syndrome If you are suffering from one or more of the listed symptoms, you will want to see a doctor. Your doctor will help determine if you are suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome, and may refer you to a specialist. An ophthalmologist will ask you questions to diagnosis  your issue. She will ask you about your specific symptoms, when they began and whether they are chronic. She will ask whether over the counter drops have provided any relief, and also ask about any medications you take. She will likely conduct a comprehensive eye exam and may also analysis the volume and quality of your eye tears. Types of Treatment Many people will find relief from mild dry eye symptoms with over the counter eye...