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Treating Cataracts

Treating Cataracts What is a Cataract? A cataract is an eye disease in which the clear lens becomes becomes cloudy or opaque, causing a decrease in vision. This clouding of the lens caused by cataract formation causes distorted vision. Cataracts usually occur gradually during the normal aging process but can sometimes develop rapidly.  In rare cases, cataracts can be present at birth or in early childhood. Most cataracts appear to be caused by changes in the protein structure within the lens.  There are also potential environmental causes including excessive ultraviolet light exposure, exposure to ionizing radiation, diabetes, smoking or the use of certain medications. Symptoms of a Cataract Cataracts can cause negative visual changes, including blurred vision, difficulty with glare, dull color vision, increased nearsightedness and even double vision.  A change in glasses may help for some period, but  as the cataract becomes more dense vision will deteriorate and strong glasses or contact lenses will no longer help.  Cataracts do not normally cause pain or obvious discomfort until they become very advanced. Diagnosis of Cataracts Cataracts are identified through an eye examination, when an eye care professional identifies and abnormal lens. The lens is viewed through specialized instruments. Using a variety of tests – including visual acuity, glare sensitivity, color vision and contrast sensitivity – the doctor will assess how much the cataract is affecting vision.  Your doctor will provide the patient treatment options, including surgery. Surgery is recommended for people who are experiencing meaningful loss in vision and are symptomatic secondary to cataract. Types of Cataract Surgery Cataract surgery is normally performed in a out patient setting, with minimal sedation....